Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Bennett goodness!


The Decade's top 25

In no particular order...

Almost Famous


Moulin Rouge

Mulholland Dr.


City Of God

Finding Nemo

Kill Bill Vol. 1

The Lord Of The Rings: The Return of The King ( they all three deserve to be here as one whole film... But this was the best of the bunch)

Kill Bill Vol. 2

Shaun of the Dead

The Incredibles

Batman Begins

Hustle & Flow

Match Point

The Departed

Children of Men


Stephen King's The Mist

There Will Be Blood


The Dark Knight

Star Trek

Drag Me to Hell

Inglourious Basterds

Friday, September 11, 2009

Blackwater... the ignored threat.

What is the biggest threat, what is the most frightening thing right now? Blackwater. Eric Prince, and the selling of America's security. This is truly frightening. Profoundly disturbing,

Jeremy Scahill's interview with Bill Moyers. Do you conservatives really believe that this is positive and A private option on health care is socialism. Look up the political definition of Fascism. This is it... A private wholly owned army at your own executive whim? No wonder Dick Cheney had that look on his face.... He knew and he knew who was in control... All of the contacts are still active and all are still not prosecutable. What the fuck?

I love Obermann... The truth prevails

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why are we so stupid as a country?

In the same breath we will tout our displeasure at violence on television and then switch to the latest episode of CSI. We will scream at the top of our lungs that the government is taking over health care as we than god for medicare helping our grandparents. We make the latest Michael Bay film #1 at the box office while not understanding that Grindhouse was supposed to be scratched and full of missing scenes. We will complain about $300 minimum for a savings account but carry thousands of dollars in credit card debit at %15 percent. We will cheer as Bernie Madoff is frog-marched to a jail cell then be upset that our retirement fund is only giving a mere 10%. We have become a nation that watches our favorite television station and hear just what we want to hear without doing research. Instead of just denouncing the health care plan; read it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Did the Speech work?

I am not convinced... I am convinced that he wishes to do the right thing but is he being forceful. As rude Republicans shouted in disrespect he pressed on looking professional but lacking the ability to give a good thrashing. The Right Wing nut job from South Carolina Screaming "liar" as he spoke, would have gone bat-shit if the same had been done to "W" during his justifying the methods of "enhanced interrogation techniques". I have never seen this country so divided, and it truly terrifies me. The question remains, was it effective?

You decide...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Welcome to the camp... I guess you all know why we're here.

Well here we go...
I hope to enlighten, inform and rant on everything from the right to the left, film, music and media.
So welcome to the camp!